Economy and Business (Books and Journals)
- 'Thinking About How We Think': Using Bourdieu's Epistemic Reflexivity to Reduce Bias in International Business Research.
- A Dynamic Model of Internationalization and Innovation in Emerging Market Enterprises: Knowledge Exploration, Transformation, and Exploitation.
- Returns to Internationalization: Business Group-Affiliated Firms vs Standalone Firms.
- Pre-Liberalization Foundations and the FDI-Based Internationalization of SMEs from Emerging Markets.
- Anywhere in the World? The Internationalization of Small Entrepreneurial Ventures using a Social Media Platform.
- Too Far East is West: CEO Overconfidence Influences Firm Internationalization in Emerging Economies.
- How to Synergize Different Institutional Logics of Firms in Cross-border Acquisitions: A Matching Theory Perspective.
- Organizational Influences and Performance Impact of Cross-Border E-Commerce Barriers: The Moderating Role of Home Country Digital Infrastructure and Foreign Market Internet Penetration.
- The Interplay of Conflicting and Complementing Institutional Logics in Sustainability Practices.
- Towards a Richer Understanding of Language and Identity in the MNC: Constructing Cosmopolitan Identities Through "English".
- Corporate Social Responsibility Challenges of International Service Enterprises.
- The Zone of Conformity: A Comparison of Private and State-Controlled Enterprises in M&As.
- Beauty in the Eyes of the Beholders: How Government- and Consumer-Based Country-of-Origin Advantages and Disadvantages Drive Host Country Investment Dynamics.
- Employer Attractiveness of EMNEs: The Role of CSR in Overcoming Country-of-Origin Image Constraints in Developed Host Countries.
- Cross-Border Dynamics of IP Modularity: International Patenting in LEDs and Lithium-Ion Secondary Battery Technology.
- Call for Papers: Focused Issue on "MNCs and Social Innovation in Emerging Markets".
- Corporate Social Responsibility Challenges of International Service Enterprises.
- Entry Mode Choice: A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents and Outcomes.
- Acknowledgement to MIR Board Members and Ad hoc Reviewers.
- E-Commerce Policy and International Business.
- E-commerce Policy and the Global Economy: A Path to More Inclusive Development?
- E-commerce Policy Environment, Digital Platform, and Internationalization of Chinese New Ventures: The Moderating Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic.
- Platform-Based Internationalization of Smaller Firms: The Role of Government Policy.
- How Can SMEs Use Crowdfunding Platforms to Internationalize? The Role of Equity and Reward Crowdfunding.
- Reshaping Internationalization Strategy and Control for Global E-Commerce and Digital Transactions: A Hayekian Perspective.
- The Multiple Dimensions of Em bedded ness of Small Multinational Enterprises.
- Introduction.
- Contextualizing AMO Explanations of Knowledge Sharing in MNEs: The Role of Organizational and National Culture.
- Introduction.
- Reverse Efficiency Spillovers from Host Country Banks to Foreign Banks: Evidence from Emerging Market Bank Subsidiaries in Developed Markets.
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