LexBlog Germany

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Latest documents

  • Germany highlights importance of kitchen hygiene

    People often underestimate the importance of kitchen hygiene in preventing foodborne illness, according to a German agency. Every year, more than 100,000 illnesses are reported in Germany that may have been caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites in food. In 2023, the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) and the Robert Koch...

  • Comparison of Directors’ Duties Across Europe

    This article, that was recently published in INSOL, provides a comparison of directors’ duties between several European jurisdictions –  England and Wales, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. It explores the role of directors and their general duties and obligations in a going concern scenario and examines how those duties might change...

  • Bureaucracy Relief Act – making it (slightly) easier to do business in Germany

    On 1 January, the Fourth Bureaucracy Relief Act (Viertes Bürokratieentlastungsgesetz – “BEG IV”) came into effect. This legislation introduces significant changes to requirements around the form of contracts in Germany with the objective of simplifying certain administrative processes, among them the completion of employment contracts. What is the status quo? Until the end of last...

  • Foot and mouth disease shows up in Germany for first time in 40 years

    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) or hoof-and-mouth disease (HMD) is an infectious and sometimes fatal viral disease that primarily affects even-toed ungulates, including domestic and wild bovids. The virus causes a high fever lasting two to six days, followed by blisters inside the mouth and near the hoof that may rupture and cause lameness. German authorities confirmed...

  • Germany reports findings from salmon and vegan cheese testing

    Food control monitoring in Germany has revealed potential pathogens in vegan cheese and Listeria in smoked salmon. Findings were presented at the annual conference of the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) and the State Working Group on Consumer Protection (LAV). Listeria was uncovered in samples of cold-smoked salmon. Potentially pathogenic bacteria...

  • A transformative summer internship in Germany

    I participated in the European Law in Practice Summer Internship in the Summer of 2024. From mid-May through the end of June, I interned at the law firm Rödl & Partner in their offices in Nuremberg, Germany. I spent three weeks in the Mergers and Acquisitions legal department, learning some of the major aspects of...

  • EU countries highlight foodborne illness investigations

    Researchers from Germany, Belgium, and Spain have presented their work on solving outbreaks and pathogen-specific questions at a European meeting. The European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ESCAIDE) was organized by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Since 2020, integrated genomic surveillance (IGS) has been introduced for surveillance of salmonellosis...

  • When discount campaigns regarding prescription only medicines do not fall within the definition of advertising in the EU

    Do discount campaigns on prescription-only medicines (POMs) run by mail order pharmacies lure patients into consuming medicinal products? Advocate General Szpunar has opined that they do not. The opinion comes in the latest of a stream of cases on advertising practices involving DocMorris (Case C-517/23), a Dutch mail-order pharmacy that supplies medicines to end customers...

  • German sampling program tests meat, meat spread and melon

    Vulnerable groups in Germany have been advised not to eat a type of raw meat spread after testing revealed the presence of pathogens. The Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) reported on results from the sampling of seasoned ground (minced) meat, fresh pork and beef, and cantaloupe melons. As part of monitoring...

  • An unforgettable summer interning at CMS in Berlin, exploring Europe and gaining legal experience

    Ich bin ein Berliner This past summer, I had the privilege of having my first legal experience be an international one, working for CMS in Berlin, Germany. For those unfamiliar with Berlin, it is a place where history, food, art, culture, and innovation come together to create a dynamic, surprisingly organic, way of life. When...

Featured documents

  • From Across the Pond: The European View

    Keith Mullen and Lou Strawn head to Europe Next week, we will be in Munich, Germany and then London, England visiting clients, and meeting with investors, lenders, title companies, investment bankers, mortgage bankers and fund advisors — almost the entire spectrum of the “players” in the...

  • German Federal Court of Labour voids withdrawal of appointment as internal data protection officer

    The German Federal Court of Labor ruled on 23 March 2011 that an internal data protection officer's appointment may not be validly terminated because the employer wants to transfer this function to a service provider as external data protection officer....

  • European E. coli O104 Outbreak 11th Death Announced, 329 with HUS, 1,200 Ill

    Veronika Oleksyn of the Associated Press reports from Germany that the E. coli O104 outbreak has taken its 11th victim. This time a 91-year-old woman (nine of ten deaths are women) from Germany. The number of people contaminated or suspected of having been poisoned has reached 1,200, according to...

  • Michigan and Wisconsin E. coli Victims

    Michigan and Wisconsion residents who recently returned from northern Germany is among four people in the U.S. apparently sickened by a severe E. coli outbreak that has killed 22 people in Europe, state health officiasl said. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Friday that ...

  • Evidence Suggests Sprout Seeds Were Contaminated

    Health authorities have said contaminated bean sprouts were the source of the outbreak of E. coli O104:H4 in Germany, and that became more evident this weekend. But as the epidemiological and laboratory evidence mounted, so did the toll of victims, even as the rate of infection slowed. The latest...

  • Contaminated Sprout Seeds Could be Anywhere

    French health authorities have confirmed what has been suspected for days, that the E. coli outbreak in Bordeaux is linked to the earlier German epidemic, and that contaminated sprouts may well still be available across Europe and the world. Fifteen French citizens, most of them women, have been...

  • Profile of Germany's Catastrophic 'Sproutbreak'

    As health authorities raced to find the source of the unprecedented E. coli epidemic sweeping through Germany this past spring, epidemiology was faulted when the first case-control study erroneously pointed to cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce as possible suspects. But it was microbiology, not...

  • Fire Breaks Out On Rhine River Cruise Ship

    Newspapers in Germany are reporting that a fire broke put on a river cruise ship with 134 people on board this morning. The ship is the Dutch-owned Regina Rheni. The ship was mostly filled with British tourists.  The fire quickly spread and forced the passengers to the top deck. The newspaper...

  • RANDomness

    The global patent battle between Apple and Samsung continues, both on the SEP and non-SEP front.  The U.S. International Trade Commission recently issued a notice that it will review an Administrative Law Judge’s prior finding that Samsung infringed several non-SEP Apple patents, and also remanded...

  • EU State Aid Investigation into German Renewable Energy Law

     by Martina Maier and Philipp Werner The European Commission (Commission) is likely to open a formal EU State aid investigation into the German Renewable Energy Source Act. According to the Commission, the Act may have given unlawful advantages to renewable energy producers and energy-intensive...

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