Acknowledgement to MIR Board Members and Ad hoc Reviewers.
Jurisdiction | Germany |
Date | 01 Febrero 2021 |
We would like to thank all members of MIR's Editorial Board and Editorial Review Board for their valuable inputs they have provided in the year 2020 to further advance the journal. Furthermore, we would like to thank the following scholars who supported MIR in the last year as ad-hoc reviewers:
David Ahlstrom, Elizabeth Alexander, Sergey Anokhin, Goudarz Azar, Florian Becker-Ritterspach, Christina Bettinelli, Arjun Bhardwaj, Torsten Biemann, Suleika Bort, Keith Brouthers, Nealia S. Bruning, Peter J. Buckley, Claudia Buengeler, Wolfgang Burr, Tine Buyl, Frank Calisse, Angelito Calma, Jorge Carneiro, Jose C. Casillas, Sokol Celo, Suparna Chakraborty, Liang Chen, Joseph A. Clougherty, Nicole Coviello, Lin Cui, Tobias Dauth, Muthu De Silva, Giuseppe Delmestri, Eleonora Di Maria, Dessislava Dikova, Douglas Dow, Nigel Driffield, Rian Drogendijk, Frank DuBois, Stefan Eckert, Prescott C. Ensign, Taina Eriksson, Johann Fortwengel, Fabian Froese, Manfred Fuchs, Mika Gabrielsson, Animesh Ghoshal, Edward Gillmore, Keith W. Glaister, Peder Greve, Siegfried Gudergan, Yoo Jung Ha, Mohamed Haddoud, Amjad Hadjikhani, Birgit Hagen, Tilo F. Halaszovich, Melanie E. Hassett, Louis Hebert, Martin Hemmert, Stefan Hoffmann, Sungjin J. Hong, Chia-Wen Hsu, Qilin Hu, Kuo-Feng Huang, Nuria Hurtado-Torres, Rodrigo Isidor, Bjorn Ivens, Ruey-Jer Bryan Jean, Marshall S. Jiang, Frank Jiang, Cuiling Jiang, Arpita Joardar, Irina Jormanainen, Diala Kabbara, Mario Kafouros, Dimitrija Kalanoski, Palitha Konara, Alexei Koveshnikov, Damien Krichewsky, Jochem Kroezen, Andrea Kuiken, Somnath Lahiri, Anna Lamin, Sandra Lancheros, Tanja Leppaaho, Yong Kyu Lew, Chengguang Li, Jing Li, Leonardo Liberman-Yaconi, Olof Lindahl, Xiaohui Liu, Randi Lunnan, Ira Lyan, Jieqiong Ma, Giovanna Magnani, Antonio Majocchi...
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