Public and Administrative Law (Books and Journals)
- Introduction: what is the role of voluntary approaches in German environmental policy--and why?
- From government towards governance? Exploring the role of soft policy instruments.
- The rise and fall of voluntary agreements in German environmental policy.
- Voluntary agreements: first choice or escape strategy?--Invasive alien species as a case.
- Patterns and explanations of corporate voluntary norm compliance: results from a structured focused comparison of German G500 in the Global Reporting Initiative.
- Introduction to the special issue: informality matters. Perspectives for studies on political communication.
- Does informality matter in German local policy making?
- The regulatory use of credit ratings in Germany and the US: a resource dependence view on the transfer of (quasi-)regulatory authority.
- Informal political communication cultures: characteristics, causes, effects.
- Communication within the Transport Policy. Media and informal political communication--a case study.
- Political institutions 'doing gender': the limits of the knowledge approach.
- The status of ideas in controversies on public policy. Analyzing beliefs as dependent variables: a case study on harm reduction policies in Switzerland.
- Editorial.
- Outsourcing legislative responsibility? An explorative study on purchasing legal advice in the German law-drafting process.
- Political deadlock in German financial market policy.
- Introduction: Frontiers of methodological progress in qualitative research.
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in public policy analysis: an extensive review.
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in public policy analysis: an extensive review.
- Method parallelization and method triangulation: method combinations in the analysis of humanitarian interventions.
- Political valuation analysis and the legitimacy of international organizations.
- Micro-politics: an underestimated field of qualitative research in political science.
- Critical friend approach: policy evaluation between methodological soundness, practical relevance, and transparency of the evaluation process.
- Governance of transport policy: introduction to the special issue.
- The field of transport policy: an initial approach.
- The logic of access to European Commission expert groups: assessing the delay of the eCall project.
- Belief systems and the emergence of advocacy coalitions in nascent subsystems: a case study of the European GNSS program Galileo.
- Governance failures in integrated transport policy - on the mismatch of 'co-opetition' in multi-level systems.
- The European Employment Strategy: assessing the status quo.
- What difference does it make? The outcome effects of the European Employment Strategy on the transition from education to work.
- Incoherent strategies - fragmented outcomes: raising women's employment rate in Germany.
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